Academy Students Unite for a Day of Service

Academy students were out in force across the island and on campus doing community service for Punahou’s first-ever Academy Service Day on Friday. Grade 9 students split their time between on-campus and walking-distance service projects, while grades 10 – 12 traveled to various sites. Coordinated by Punahou’s Luke Center for Public Service, a total of 27 buses transported students to their assigned locations, where they worked with different community organizations to restore, clean and preserve local areas.

Each grade was given a unique theme for their day of service. Ninth graders focused on kuanaʻike (persecptive) while working on campus at Puʻu O Mānoa, the costume shop, the cafeteria and more. Their projects included planting seeds, clearing invasive plants, painting benches, cleaning windows and painting a mural.

Tenth graders explored the theme of kuleana (responsibility) in Mānoa and Hawaiʻi Kai. They participated in environmental restoration at Kamānele Park, Pia Valley and Kuliʻouʻou Park, removing invasive species, planting trees, restoring park benches and maintaining trails. Students also pulled invasive algae with Mālama Maunalua to help tend Maunalua Bay.

Juniors traveled to the North Shore to work at Kaʻala Ranch, Waialeʻe Lako Pono and the Kōkua Learning Farm, all focused on the theme of lawelawe (to serve). There they planted trees, restored native loʻi (taro fields), and worked on dry-land taro gardens.

Seniors, with the theme of moʻokūʻauhau (genealogy), contributed to conservation efforts at Kualoa Ranch. They tended loʻi, cleared overgrown trails and removed invasive plants, and took part in native plant restoration through planting and seed preparation.

Students returned to campus around 1:30 p.m. after a rewarding morning of service. The event marked the beginning of an annual tradition designed to give every Academy student meaningful service experiences throughout their high school years.

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