All alumni were invited to a special chapel service in Thurston Memorial Chapel on Thursday, which brought back fond memories of their childhood days at Punahou. The service included participation from alumni celebrating a reunion this year, including candle lighting, scripture and prayer readings, reflections from the chaplains, and the traditional candle extinguishing.
Chaplain Joshua Hayashi shared with the over 100 attendees that the candle lighters at the opening of the chapel, Richard ’59 and Sandy Folk ’59 Ednie, happened to be the first couple married in Thurston Memorial Chapel when it opened in 1967. Attendees included retired chaplains John Heidel, Lauren Medeiros and Marion Lyman-Mercereaux ’70.
The special chapel was followed by a welcome from President Mike Latham ’86, who recalled his days on campus as a young student and included remarks about current and upcoming projects and programs at the School.