Edwin “Eddie” Fernandez won seven letters at Punahou; three in football, two in baseball and two in track.
Playing either halfback or fullback (on both offense and defense) his outstanding running and blocking abilities won him the position of halfback on the ILH 1922 All Star First Team. In baseball he was captain of the 1923 team playing at shortstop or second base. He was one of the team’s leading batters. This article appears as originally published in the Spring 1997 issue of the Punahou Bulletin.
At the University of Hawaii Eddie won 11 letters and really came into his own. Following is a synopsis of this athletic career prepared by the UH Staff: Football: One of the “Four Horsemen of Manoa” along with Theodore “Pump” Searle (Punahou ’21) playing on UH’s undefeated Wonder Teams of 1924 – 25. Halfback. Lettered 1923 – 24 – 25 – 26. Team captain in 1925 and 1926. Long broken-field runs of over 50 yards earned him nickname “Red Grange.” He and Pump were the outstanding touchdown twins. Played on teams that beat Occidental, U. of Colorado and Washington State. Occidental was Southern Cal. champ. Fernandez starred also on punt returns, blocking and pass interceptions. He scored 54 points in 1926 against Healani in Hawaii Senior Football League.
Track: Lettered (three) in sprints and hurdles. Was on 1925 record-setting half-mile relay team in Hawaiian AAU.
Championship Meet. Won 1927 AAU 220-yard dash and placed in discus.
Baseball: Four Letters. Starred at second base, shortstop and batting.
Following graduation from UH, Eddie played football for several years for the Town Team in the Hawaii Senior Football League. Rated as one of Hawaii’s all–time best halfbacks, he was one of the first inductees into the Hawaii’s Sports Hall of Fame. How about that! Outstanding!