Over the Edge

When I first got a drone in 2018, I was astonished at the different perspective it yielded, particularly when looking at the surf. When you’re in the water navigating a wave, your focus is singular. But from above, you see people frantically paddling through white water, others catching the perfect wave, and still others lounging between sets. It’s a reminder that what is happening to us isn’t representative of everything that is going on around us. This photo was taken at Sandy’s on my second drone flight ever. My eye is always drawn first to the boogie boarder on the lip of the wave, but it settles on the faint rainbow in the upper right corner. Broadening our perspective can uncover complexities and joys of life.
Allen Murabayashi says his interest in photography was piqued, in part, by Mr. Harold Lee’s photo club at Punahou when he was in seventh and eighth grade. “I frequently carried my camera around during junior high and high school,” he says. His love of photography led him to co-found PhotoShelter, a digital asset management service for photographers and organizations. He is also a founding employee of hotjobs.com, executive producer of Punahou Sessions and a board member of VH1 Save the Music Foundation. More of his photography can be seen on Instagram @allen3.
© Allen Murabayashi