Commencement 2024

Saturday night at the Stan Sheriff Center was a truly special event. In front of a full audience of parents, family and supporters, the Class of 2024 celebrated their commencement.

The evening was filled with student performances, moving speeches from classmates and administrators, and the memorable moment of seniors walking the stage to receive their diplomas, marking the end of an incredible journey.

Academy Principal Gustavo Carrera expressed the sentiment of the evening in his address to the Class: “Congratulations on reaching this day. May you continue to believe in and chase the beauty of your dreams, forging a future that reflects the best of who you are and all you aspire to be.”

After the ceremony, seniors met their friends and family for a joyous lei giving celebration in the Les Murakami Stadium. What a night to remember. Congratulations, graduates!

Photos by Kathleen Connelly

Highlight Video

Full livestream of Commencement

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