At age 12, his father arranged a surfing lesson for him with Duke Kahanamoku. In 1957, he won the prestigious...
Known as “Ace Cool,” he was known as the “Evel Knievel” of the big-wave surf world. He became famous for...
A big-wave surfer, he won the 1998 Quiksilver Ceremonial Punta de Lobos Big Wave Invitational, and surfed in the 2008...
A 1957 Mākaha International surf champion, she recently published a book, “Wave Woman,” about her mother, Betty Pembroke Heldreich Winstedt,...
The former Punahou math teacher and swim coach won the 1958 Mākaha International Surfing Championships and helped shape big-wave riding...
Now known as Laura Lee Ching, she won the 1972 Mākaha International Surfing Championships and became the first woman to...
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