By Tai Fyrberg ’91 Temple

“I am a hospitalist at a community hospital about two hours west of Boston. I am the Associate Chief and Hospitalist Director. I treated the first confirmed case in the Worcester area. It seemed a bit weird that the first case wasn’t in a big academic center, but I think this is an important reality – this virus is spreading to every community. We are preparing the best we can, conserving and reusing masks and gloves. As a doctor, I am ready to put myself in harm’s way, but as a mother, I am terrified that I could bring COVID-19 home or leave my children orphans. Even though I am far from Hawai‘i, the lessons I learned there about finding courage and living with aloha helps. I am so glad to have the opportunity to reconnect with our Punahou ‘ohana. Let’s go buff ’n blue. (I laugh that I am still wearing those colors!)”