The COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold across the world in turbulent, uncertain ways. At Punahou, the new school year opened with students in distance learning and Hawai‘i in a second lockdown. While it. would be easy to zero in on the problems and fears of the day, the School’s chaplains selected a theme for this school year that considers opportunities and
possibilities. They encouraged us to focus on “kuana‘ike” or perspective.
So for this summer/fall issue of the Bulletin, we did.
We asked 10 talented photographers to submit work that reflects kuana‘ike. In an accompanying write-up, they connected their art to perspective, and what might be learned from it. Every one of these artists – some of them recognized globally – accepted the assignment without hesitation, submitting photos and extended captions that stunned, quieted and moved me. All of them said they were grateful to be included.
As a whole, these images offered me reprieve from the sobering headlines of the day, allowing for necessary personal reflection. I hope you enjoy this Bulletin photography exhibit – a first for the magazine. It was meant to provide inspiration and hope at a time when it may be difficult to think beyond the disruptions of the pandemic.
There are several other sections of this magazine to be noted, including the features of alumni who have stepped up as leaders, givers and innovators during the pandemic. There’s also a roundup of how teachers have creatively applied virtual learning this fall, and a special section to celebrate giving to Punahou.
Despite everything happening around us, I hope these stories about Punahou and our community connect you in meaningful ways back to the School. Things are certainly different, but there are still many hopeful things to share.