Nearly 100 of the buff ’n blue Punahou ‘ohana came out in full force to welcome President Mike Latham ’86 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle in early July. This is the first time Latham has been to the region to visit with alumni since he arrived on campus in the fall of 2019.
His remarks at each of the gatherings touched on how Punahou has evolved into a school centered around sustainability and project-based learning and how Punahou has stayed the same, ensuring a top-notch K – 12 education surrounded by dedicated faculty and staff and cutting edge learning environments.
Latham also remarked on the everlasting strength of the alumni community and how proud he is to be an alumnus of a school that changed the trajectory of his life forever. Everyone left with full bellies and a satiated appetite for everything Punahou.
Mahalo, Pacific Northwest. Until we meet again!