Punahou Supports Aloha United Way

Representatives from AccesSurf with Chaplain George Scott

Punahou’s Aloha United Way (AUW) Drive is in full swing through Sept. 30, with students, faculty and staff finding creative ways to raise funds and awareness for the community agencies AUW helps support.

Across campus, students are participating in AUW-themed chapel services, with presentations from agencies like AccesSurf inspiring ideas on how to contribute, including innovations for beach wheelchair designs to improve accessibility. K – 8 students are coming up with their own inventive ways to earn donations, such as washing the family car, while Academy students are raising funds through the Student Marketplace in the Academy Quad.

This year, 15 student entrepreneurs are selling a variety of items, from baked goods to handcrafted jewelry, as part of Students for AUW, an entirely student-led initiative founded by Bri-Ela Nakagawa ’26. The initiative highlights how young people can make a meaningful difference in their community. All proceeds from the Academy will benefit AUW partner agency AccesSurf.

Punahou’s commitment to AUW is about more than just fundraising – it’s about fostering compassion and supporting agencies doing important work in the community.

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