Renowned Free Speech Advocate Visits Campus

On Tuesday, Jan. 21, Punahou had the privilege of hosting Nadine Strossen, former national president of the ACLU and professor emerita of law at New York Law School. A globally recognized free speech advocate and Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), Strossen shared her expertise in two thought-provoking sessions.

Her visit began in Pauahi with a Q&A related to freedom of speech and its meanings and controversies, where she delved into the complexities and debates surrounding First Amendment rights. Following that, an additional session was added to address timely discussions around social media. Held in the Luke Lecture Hall, “TikTok and the Freedom of Speech” examined how free speech principles relate to current events, including the recent Congressional law banning TikTok. The lecture drew participation from Bias in America, Global Sustainability by Design and an eighth grade social studies class, as well as others, who wanted to engage with these critical issues.

The events, brought to campus through the School’s Davis Democracy Initiative (DDI) in collaboration with the Voices for Liberty Initiative, provided valuable insight into the complexities of free speech in today’s world. DDI program founders Janie and Mark Davis, who are longtime friends of Strossen, were also in attendance.

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