For young learners, we know that a strong foundation in reading and writing is critical to their long term growth and educational attainment. At Punahou, we continuously refine and enhance our literacy instruction based on best practices and science to provide an outstanding educational experience for our students.
Literacy consultant Meghan Hargrave who has supported Punahou teachers in literacy since 2018, provides practical strategies and simple ways parents and guardians can support their child’s literacy education in a two-part webinar for K – 2 and 3 – 5 families.
In the recordings and resources referenced, Megan provides answers and tips to the following questions:
- What can I do to get my reader really reading?
- What if my student only wants to read the same type of book, like a graphic novel?
- What about screen time or digital reading?
- What are some ways I can help them with their writing and spelling
- Is there anything that I should be doing differently when helping them read?
- What are some helpful teaching tools to have at home?
- How do I make sure we keep a love for literacy at home?