Governor Josh Green Visits Campus

Students had a unique opportunity to see politics in action as Governor Josh Green visited campus on Monday. Hosted by the Davis Democracy Initiative, the event drew a full house to the Luke Lecture Hall at the Wo International Center, where the Governor shared insights into his priorities and the challenges facing Hawai‘i. During a Q&A session, he encouraged students to get involved in shaping the future.

Green emphasized the importance of engaging young people in politics, recognizing their passion, intelligence and ability to create meaningful change. He encouraged students to build relationships with their local legislators, saying, “People think they’re not going to be heard, but I listen.” He urged them to form small advocacy groups, explaining that even a group of 10 – 20 committed individuals could be incredibly influential.

“You also have mastery of social media,” he said. “That gives you an incredible capacity to amplify what you believe in. You can do a lot more than you think.” He also encouraged students to consider forming nonprofits as a way to amplify their voices and put pressure on policymakers.

“Study things you care about and enjoy, and become experts in those fields,” he suggested. “If you have expertise and interest – and can be part of a solution – then you might influence policy on a big issue.”

The discussion covered a wide range of topics, including immigration, the housing crisis and the current political atmosphere. Climate change was a key focus, with Green emphasizing its far-reaching impact. “All of our policies should be thoughtful about the impact of climate change because climate will impact all of our policies moving forward,” he said.

For students, the chance to engage with the Governor in person was especially meaningful. One student, who had the opportunity to ask a question, reflected on the experience: “It was great to be able to see him in person because usually it’s just watching him on TV or hearing him on the radio,” said Tahan Bapna ’27.

Green’s visit left students inspired and energized, demonstrating the power of civic engagement and the potential for young leaders to shape the future.

Photos by Kathleen Connelly

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