Punahou Memory Mural Brings Student Stories to Life

A new mural at Punahou is bringing student memories to life. The student-led project, known as the Punahou Memory Mural, has transformed the construction wall surrounding the future Mary Kawena Pukui Learning Commons into a vibrant painting of students’ shared experiences.

Academy students invited peers from all grade levels to submit images of their favorite Punahou moments. After sorting them into themes, they combined multiple drawings to create a cohesive mural that reflects the heart of the school community.

The artwork is tied together by a lei weaving through depictions of Flaming “P;” May Day and Holokū; Carnival; outdoor spaces, such as the Lily Pond and playgrounds; camps and field trips; and other student activities – all set against a gradient background transitioning from morning to night.

A QR code on the mural links to a digital gallery, allowing visitors to explore the original submissions and see how they inspired the final design. Explore the digital gallery here: Punahou Memory Mural.

The project not only showcases the memories of past and present students but also honors the spirit of connection that will continue when the Mary Kawena Pukui Learning Commons opens as a central gathering space in 2026.

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