On a bright May afternoon, Punahou’s Drama Workshop, nestled in the basement of Dillingham Hall, was teeming with preparations for an upcoming production of Lanford Wilson’s “Hot l Baltimore.”
Recent graduate Carter Nakamoto ’17 has been named a 2017 Presidential Scholar. Nakamoto is among 161 high school seniors across the country chosen from a pool of over 5,100 invited qualifying graduating seniors.
The Punahou ‘ohana bids farewell to 20 colleagues who retired in the 2016 – 2017 school year.
Author Booki Vivat didn’t set out to write a book. In fact, she never intended for her work to be seen.
On the last day of every school year, each student is given a yearbook. Whether it's the glossy Na ‘Opio or the hardcover Oahuan, these books are a representation of the long year behind us.