Though sometimes criticized for being a product of Western ideas, the Declaration of Rights and Constitution transformed Hawai‘i....
On this anniversary marking the 200th year of the missionaries’ departure from New England and arrival in Hawai‘i, we acknowledge...
Within two years, the Pioneer Company desperately needed help to achieve their mission: expanding literacy and converting the population....
Around 1,000 years ago, navigators from the Marquesas Islands launched an unprecedented voyage of discovery across the Pacific Ocean. Steering...
For Hawaiians, land was not something to be bought and sold but a living ancestor....
William Richards arrived in Hawaiʻi in 1823 with the second company of missionaries....
On July 11, 1842, Levi Chamberlain, business agent for the Mission, bundled four of his children and two others into...
Anchored in Kailua Bay, the passengers of the Thaddeus waited for permission to disembark, entertaining visits on board and making...
For missionaries, education was essential to both salvation and worldliness. Prominent Congregationalist ministers, such as Timothy Dwight and Edward Dorr...
Travel to Florence via private coach. After check-in and lunch on your own, meet your guide to walk the streets...
Hawaiians quickly took to reading and writing but were slower to accept Christianity....
King Kaumuali‘i of Kaua‘i had moved to Honolulu in 1822, reportedly kidnapped by Liholiho and married to Ka‘ahumanu....