Travel to Florence via private coach. After check-in and lunch on your own, meet your guide to walk the streets...
Anchored in Kailua Bay, the passengers of the Thaddeus waited for permission to disembark, entertaining visits on board and making...
The Thaddeus anchored outside Honolulu harbor and sent a delegation to meet with Francisco de Paula Marin, a Spanish Catholic...
Samuel Ruggles and Samuel Whitney accompanied George Prince Humehume home to Kaua‘i, where he was welcomed with great emotion by...
On November 1, 1820, the Honolulu Mission hosted Captain Allen of Maro, from Nantucket, the first American whaling ship to...
On October 23, 1819, the Pioneer Company of fourteen Protestant missionaries, five of their children and four Hawaiian men sailed...
After a week, Liholiho conveyed his decision that the missionaries could remain in Hawai‘i for a year, though directed them...
A grand feast was held to commemorate the death of Kamehameha and the missionaries were invited to participate....
After a month of teaching chiefs, men, women and children on a day-to-day basis, the missionary wives determined to organize...
Preparations in Honolulu to welcome the arrival of Liholiho included extended practice for a large hula performance with 270 dancers...
The first page of print in Hawaiian was struck on the printing press, transported from Boston on the Thaddeus, and...