Those who knew Clint Albao ’63 on the field remember him not only for his personal athletic achievements, but for his exemplary leadership skills. He distinguished himself in baseball, basketball and football, garnering nine Varsity letters and being named Athlete of the Year
He was a three-year starter in baseball and one of only 14 players selected from Hawaii and California to tour Japan. In basketball, he was a three-year Varsity starter, going to the state finals all three years. In football, he broke the ILH all-time pass reception and yardage record.
Doug Bennett, a member of the Hall of Fame selection committee, wrote, “What stands out most significantly was [Clint’s] impact and leadership in three different prime Varsity sports over three years. Not only was Clint a multiple-year 1st Team All-City/League performer in every sport, but was also instrumental in leading those teams to multiple and/or undefeated and/or state championships.”
After graduation, Clint continued to play baseball at Whittier College in California. He made the All-League in his junior year and went on to lead the league in hitting his last two years.