Punahou School Welcomes New Athletic Director, Scott Wagner

Punahou School is pleased to announce the appointment of Scott Wagner as a new Athletic Director. Wagner brings with him an impressive 25 years of experience in athletic administration, including a decade of distinguished service as the Athletic Director at Mid-Pacific Institute.

Wagner holds both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in teaching and administration of Physical Education. His dedication to fostering a supportive and dynamic athletic environment is well-known at the league and state levels. Wagner is celebrated for his collaborative approach, ethical decision-making, and strong leadership skills.

“I am excited to join the Punahou community and contribute to an already strong and dynamic athletic program,” Wagner stated. “Athletics is an extension of the classroom, and throughout my career, I have created an environment where students can participate, learn and grow to be successful leaders and teammates.”

During his tenure at Mid-Pacific, Wagner spearheaded several successful initiatives, including a leadership training program for student-athletes and an inclusive process for hiring Varsity Head Coaches. His commitment to high expectations for students and coaches alike has consistently resulted in teams exceeding expectations and fostering school spirit and pride.

Wagner will be starting in early July and will be joining Athletic Directors Tita Ahuna and Michelle Arnold. Punahou School looks forward to the positive impact Wagner will bring to the athletic department and the broader school community.

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