Charley’s athletic accomplishments in high school, college, pro-ball, and as a coach are legendary. For instance, at Punahou, football: three-year...
“Al” is famous for his athletic ability and leadership which in 1953 provided the spark to bring Punahou’s 29 year...
In the past twenty years at Punahou, there probably has never been a person who was as athletically gifted or...
An exceptional all-around natural athlete, Dave won a remarkable total of eleven letters in football, basketball and baseball while at...
“Eki” is considered one of the finest all-around athletes to attend Punahou in the early fifties – earning eight letters...
“Harassing Harry,” as a famed sportswriter once called him, will never be forgotten for his outstanding play at quarterback and...
If letters in girls’ sports had been presented when May was a student at Punahou, she probably would have won...
In the Comments section of Tommy Collins nomination ballot his sponsor submitted a brief paragraph which summarized most eloquently the...
Jim, or Jimmy – but most frequently and affectionately call “Hutch” – ranks as one of the finest athletes and...
During his sixth grade, Mosi was a member of a pony league football team which included his close buddy, a...
At Punahou, Milton won seven letters in football (2), basketball (2) and track (3). He should have won two more...
Arnold’s athletic career can best be described briefly by encapsulating it in the following manner: Punahou athletic performance 1967 –...