Students are studying traditional ocean navigation all from the comfort of their own classroom
Kindergartners in the Omidyar Neighborhood hosted a mini carnival leading up to the big event
Congratulations to the Punahou Robotics teams who competed in the FTC Robotics State Championship Tournament on Saturday
Students and faculty from Punahou’s Design Technology and Engineering program are engaging with counterparts at Robert Louis Stevenson Middle School
Students program robots to sense, react and interact with people
Students were tasked with creating a model car for a storybook character
Students were recognized for their work and dedication to Punahou's educational centers
A group of fourth graders take a look at Punahou’s battery-powered and solar-charged locomotive
The Festival honored our ‘ohana’s journey home after two years away from Reunion
Punahou unveils plans to build a new Academy Learning Commons
Academy students deeply invested in the mission of Punahou’s educational centers are now being formally recognized through the School’s Distinctions program
Punahou’s electric train, built by students at the D. Kenneth Richardson ’48 Learning Lab, was a highlight at this year’s Carnival