After a month of teaching chiefs, men, women and children on a day-to-day basis, the missionary wives determined to organize...
Faced with declining revenues for its global missions, ABCFM founded the Foreign Mission School in Cornwall, Connecticut, in 1816 as...
For Hawaiians, land was not something to be bought and sold but a living ancestor....
On July 11, 1842, Levi Chamberlain, business agent for the Mission, bundled four of his children and two others into...
The Thaddeus anchored outside Honolulu harbor and sent a delegation to meet with Francisco de Paula Marin, a Spanish Catholic...
Henry ʻŌpūkahaʻia played a pivotal role in inspiring the missionary presence in Hawai‘i. His avid embrace of Christianity, told in...
Travel to Florence via private coach. After check-in and lunch on your own, meet your guide to walk the streets...
Though sometimes criticized for being a product of Western ideas, the Declaration of Rights and Constitution transformed Hawai‘i....
By the mid-1830s, Hawai‘i had endured a series of escalating foreign conflicts....
The Rev. Hiram Bingham led the first company of missionaries to Hawai‘i in 1819 – 1820....
Preparations in Honolulu to welcome the arrival of Liholiho included extended practice for a large hula performance with 270 dancers...
For missionaries, education was essential to both salvation and worldliness. Prominent Congregationalist ministers, such as Timothy Dwight and Edward Dorr...