Ahead of winter break, students and faculty across campus celebrated holiday cheer in festive ways.
Members of the Academy Senate decorated the Cooke Learning Commons.
Sixth graders created colorful holiday e-books to share with the Punahou community.

Kindergartners enjoyed a visit to the home of President Mike Latham ’86 and his wife, Jennifer.

Seventh graders made over 1,400 Christmas cards that will be included with a Christmas meal for Lanakila Meals on Wheels recipients.
PFA parent volunteers decked the halls at Punahou.
Kindergartners and first graders played in “snow” created by a bubble machine.
The children’s choir of the Punahou Music School put on a delightful holiday concert.
Students in the Suzuki Violin program played holiday tunes together in person, for the first time since March 2020.
First grade students participated in a colorful jingle bell run around the track.

The seventh grade choir (above) and other Case Middle School choirs performed holiday music, which was broadcast to their families. It was the first time performing together for an audience in Twigg-Smith Pavilion since March 2022.
A few holiday tunes from the Academy Guitar Program.

Eighth graders sang carols accompanied by students on ukulele.