By Waileia Mineshima-Eldredge P’32
After a two-year hiatus, it was a wonderful day to be back in person with our Homeroom, Team Space and Advisory Parents at the 2022 PFA Welcome Coffee!
There was excitement in the air as parents reconnected with old friends, met new ones, and shared in the joy of being back on campus. The laughter, smiles, conversations were heartwarming to see, hear and feel!
Homeroom, Team Space and Advisory Parents attended the event, as well as Grade-Level Representatives and PFA Leadership. It was wonderful to hear from President Latham and “Princi-pals” Todd Chow-Hoy and Gustavo Carrera. Junior School and Academy Deans were also in attendance to greet parents and answer questions.
There is always so much gratitude at PFA events, seeing parents come together to support our students, faculty, staff and school. Over 300 parents volunteer annually – amazing!
Homeroom, Team Space and Advisory parents play such a vital role in supporting a classroom’s day-to-day activities. From sharing communication from teachers, supporting activities with classroom donations, assisting with in-class activities, or sharing yummy snacks. Big to small – all is so appreciated.
When my son was in Kindergarten, I wanted an opportunity to be involved in his class as much as I could. Being a homeroom parent allowed me that opportunity and I was so grateful. During that same year, the pandemic hit, and we didn’t know what to expect. Fast forward to the next school year and our homeroom parents were so instrumental in helping with communication and supporting our students from home. We were all in it together and our homeroom parents lead the way.
We are looking forward to an amazing year with events coming back to campus. Homeroom, Team Space and Advisory parents are more important now than ever. With their support, our faculty, staff and PFA will be able to navigate events, activities, and communication with great success. Our Grade Level Representatives are not far away to assist in anyway. It is such a team effort and what an amazing experience to be a part of it.
Much gratitude to our Homeroom, Team Space and Advisory Parents for the work that they have done and will do this school year. Here’s to a great year!