Events rescheduled to October have now been canceled
Punahou Alumni from Classes ending in 4 and 9 reunited on campus for an unforgettable Alumni Lū’au
The Imu Gang Emeritus prepped for Saturday’s Alumni Lū'au
Alumni Week has been rescheduled from June to the Discoverers' Day long weekend, Oct. 8 – 12, 2020
BY ERIN TERUYA ’93 KINNEY Typically held at the President’s Pavilion, this year’s Punahou Alumni Association (PAA) Awards ceremony was...
Alumni from Classes ending in 2 and 7 celebrated their milestone reunions
The Punahou Athletic Hall of Fame honors individuals who have made significant contributions to athletics at Punahou
Punahou alumni from all classes were welcomed back to campus for Alumni Week
Alumni Week 2021 was bigger than ever as the invitation to celebrate was extended to alumni of all Classes, as well as the Punahou community
At Thursday's E Ho‘i Mai Alumni Celebration, Punahou alumni from all classes gathered in the Academy Quad for an evening of fun
Alumni reunited on campus to celebrate Classes ending in 4 and 9
It was a beautiful night under the tent