Punahou School hosted a heartfelt gathering on Thursday to honor its older alumni during Alumni Week. The Kūpuna Lū’au, held President’s Pavilion, brought together over 100 alumni from the Classes of 1948, 1953 and 1958 with their guests for a day of joyful reunions, delicious Hawaiian food, and inspiring conversations about the School’s present and future. President Mike Latham ‘86, who hosted the event, shared insights into the School’s new mission and ongoing developments at Punahou.
The Kūpuna Lū’au provided a delightful opportunity for the alumni to reconnect with their classmates, reminisce about their cherished memories, and create new ones.
After Latham’s remarks, guests enjoyed a Hawaiian meal, prepared by Lorraine Haili ’70 Alo of Haili’s Hawaiian Food. Attendees were treated to a delectable spread of local favorites, including mouthwatering kalua pork, lomi lomi salmon, poke and haupia and coconut cake.