He made national news as a part-owner of Hot Rod Charlie, a prized contender for the Kentucky Derby
Twenty-four Punahou seniors have been selected as candidates for one of the nation’s highest honors for high school students
Kamaola, Punahou’s wa‘a kaulua, celebrated its first time at sea last October
The foundation has made a leadership pledge of $1 million to kick off fundraising for the Academy Learning Commons
Academy students deeply invested in the mission of Punahou’s educational centers are now being formally recognized through the School’s Distinctions program
The junior is president of Punahou's Design Technology and Engineering Club
Punahou unveils plans to build a new Academy Learning Commons
The young alumna has been on a tear, shattering milestone after milestone during her meteoric ascent in professional sailing
Dean “Tiger Tom” Metcalf has an endowed financial aid fund in his name
Since its inception, more than 200 students have taken the class, many of whom have ventured off int the business world
Punahou went “Back in Time to '99” Friday, as the School hosted a one-day, ’90s-themed Carnival, with malasadas, games, entertainment and a few new attractions