Earlier this year, Punahou launched its Team Up program for parents, with three notable speaker events and a new podcast.
The activity was part of the Junior School experience where younger students pair up with "buddies" in other grades
6 – 8AcademyK – 5ParentingPhysical Health and Well-BeingSEELSelf-reliance and ResilienceSpeaker EventsStress and AnxietyTeam UpTips and AdviceWinter 2021
·We spoke with author and speaker Christine Carter about this difficult era of parenting, and what can be done to ease the anxieties and chaos experienced by children and teenagers
Here are a few of the newest animal pals to join our Punahou ‘ohana, along with a closer look at our resident ducks
Building healthy people physically and mentally
Punahou’s Aloha United Way (AUW) Drive rallied much-needed support from Sept. 13 – 30
6 – 8AcademyK – 5Learning StrategiesParentingPhysical Health and Well-BeingSchoolSEELSelf-reliance and ResilienceStress and AnxietyTeam UpTips and Advice
·The teachers and counselors of the S+Well Department share these tips
Students take part in creating music together
6 – 8AcademyBulletinK – 5ParentingPhysical Health and Well-BeingPresidentSchool and Life BalanceSEELSelf-reliance and ResilienceStress and AnxietyTeam UpTips and AdviceWinter 2019-20
·Punahou President Mike Latham ’86 offers his thoughts on what enables students to gain confidence and self-knowledge
Punahou's new President reflects on what he wants for students
Mari Dela Cruz ’26 is finding a way to inspire hope and healing for both people and the planet