Summer School in Action

From athletics to dance to engineering, improv and everything in between, summer school is in full swing with plenty of fun and learning happening all over campus. Summer school runs through early, regular and extended sessions from June 10 – July 26, with programs for students in kindergarten through the Academy. It’s shaping up to be a fantastic summer full of enriching activities. Check back for updates.

Additional Summer Stories:
Summer School Students Explore Hawaiian History
Seniors Travel to the Heart of the Rockies
Sustainability Fellowship Launches this Summer
Summer Adventures with PUEO
It’s Mango Time
Cedar Whale Sculpture on Its Way to Punahou
Alumni Heading to the Paris Olympics
Students Take Audiences Down the Rabbit Hole in ‘Alice in Wonderland’
International Summer Travel
Robotics Come Alive at Figure AI

Learn to DJ (Grades 6 – 8)

Students are spinning their way through the history and culture of DJing while learning the skills to become professionals. In this class, students are getting their turn with vinyl turntables, CDJs and controllers, and learning how to set up speaker systems to rock their own parties. Along the way, they’re exploring different music genres, broadening their understanding of rhythm and melody, and learning how to create a sonic experience for a variety of audiences. By the end of the summer, students will be ready to showcase their newly acquired skills with their own mixed music.

Girls in the Wilderness: Nā Wāhine i ka Nahele (Grades 6 – 8)

Girls are gaining confidence and building resilience while exploring the great outdoors. This five-week adventure is packed with on- and off-campus activities focused on service projects, exploration, meeting female role models and learning essential outdoor skills.

The girls’ two-night camping trip in Haleakalā National Park on Maui was unfortunately canceled due to brush fires in the area. However, the team made the most of it with a special lesson on sustainable backpacking food from Mark Noguchi ’93, Punahou’s food curriculum specialist, which included lūʻau stew made from locally grown lau kalo. The class also raised $2,000 through a lei stand fundraiser for the Maui Humane Society. Way to go, girls!

Grade 4 Foundations

The class reinforces third-grade skills and ensures a smooth transition to fourth grade. Students are diving into language arts and math, learning to read critically, and developing new computer and math skills through fun activities. They also workshop ideas for feedback, fostering collaboration and creativity.

Cardboard Box Engineers (Grades 4 – 5)

In this hands-on class, budding engineers are making use of everyday items like cardboard, string, tape, rubber bands and toothpicks to create fun and useful items, such as a model home, an extended grabber, a swinging monkey, a kaleidoscope and a floating hummingbird.

Clayground (Grades 4 – 5)

In the Clayground course, fourth and fifth graders are discovering the joy of ceramics through various techniques such as pinching, coiling, using slabs and wheel throwing. Students are creating functional pieces such as bowls, plates and cups, as well as artwork, such as ceramic portraits. After adding colored glazes, students see their artwork magically transformed by the kiln into creations that could last a lifetime.

Kindergarten and Grade 1 Experiences

Punahou offers a summer experience for students entering kindergarten and first grade, designed to help them transition smoothly into their next academic year. Set in the Omidyar K – 1 Neighborhood, the program covers literacy, math, science, movement and art, while nurturing inquisitiveness and developing critical thinking, problem-solving and collaboration skills.

Keiki Chemists (Grades 4 – 5)

This summer, young scientists in grades 4 – 5 are diving into the world of chemistry through hands-on labs and by exploring the contributions of renowned scientists from across the globe. Such projects include exploring carbonation processes pioneered by Joseph Priestley, organic oil extraction methods developed by Alice Ball and chemical batteries inspired by Alessandro Volta.

Fun in the Sun (Grades 2 – 5)

Students grades 2 – 5 are having a blast with daily tennis and swimming activities. The aim is to have fun while inspiring a love for these two healthy, lifetime sports.

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